The Charity

Registered Charity: 1190518

Friends and Patrons

Friends and Patrons

Expert Adviser s Trustees Secretary Dr. Alana Harris (Historical Consultant) Kings College Sheila Berry (Chair) Lionel Blackman Solicitor Dr....
More About Our Volunteers

More About Our Volunteers

Answering the Call to Help Our volunteers all have two very important things in common. They answered a call for help to save a cemetery from...


To promote the heritage, preservation, restoration and maintenance of Horton cemetery for the public benefit To promote and maintain burial, hospital,...
Thanks & Credits

Thanks & Credits

We will always try and credit those who have provided photos, stories or information to add to this site. Please contact us if there are any errors or...
Ways you can help us

Ways you can help us

Donate Donate any amount you can, it is all gratefully received. To give an idea of where the money is spent, £11 covers the cost of a Birth, ...